Our Main Areas of Expertise


Diet & Nutrition

Diet & Nutrition

Diet is a vital ingredient in Ayurveda treatment. Advice is tailored to each person and sensitive to lifestyle, culture and preferences.


Ayurvedic Medicines

Ayurvedic Medicines

Our herbal products are 100% natural, safe and sustainably sourced, and are faithful to ancient formulas gathered from deep knowledge.


Panchakarma Therapies

Nutritious Lifestyle

The deepest of purification therapies are performed by our experienced, specialist therapists under the instruction of the doctors.


25 Years of Experience

About Vedhearbs Healthcare


Ayurveda, the oldest system of life science known to mankind

Ayurveda believes in the theory of 5 elements or 3 doshas (biological energies). i.e., Any life on earth is a combination of these 5 elements (fire, water, earth, air and cosmic energy) and the balance in these five elements, create harmony between the body, mind and spirit.

Ayurveda medicine seeks to address the root causes of disease rather than the symptoms to achieve a state of health and balance.

  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • De- Addiction
  • Sexual Wellness
  • Digestive Problems
  • Obesity
  • Grow Height
  • Muscle Pain and Arthritis
  • Diet and Nutrition
Why Choose Us

A choice that makes the difference

  • 1

    Certified Treatments

    The products of VedHearbs Healthcare are manufactured to highest standards and certified with AYUSH Ministry of India.

  • 2

    Free Consultation

    Consult professional health consultants through chat or call and get answers to all your healthcare-related queries for free.

  • 3

    Disease Management

    We manage to improving quality of life for individuals with chronic conditions by preventing or minimizing the effects of the disease through integrated care.

  • 4

    Individual Support

    We stay connected with each of our patients to provide best possible support for there each and every health related querry.

What We Offer

Our Services

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Ayurvedic Diseases & Conditions We Treat



In Ayurveda, weak digestion is known as Agnimandya—meaning weakened digestive fire, which cannot convert rasa (nutrients) to life-sustaining Ojas. In addition to being the causative factor in several diseases, weak digestion is a health problem in itself.


Hair And Skin

Ayurvedic medicine for skin allergy and hair disease is complimented by customized skin & hair care routine and home remedy based on the problem. Often what appears to be a superficial problem can have deeper root-causes that may affect your overall wellness. Ayurveda can help.


Joint pain

Most joint disorders such as Rheumatoid Arthitis, Osteoarthritis, Gout, Spondylosis, Osteoporosis occur because of an imbalance of Vata Dosha, presence of Ama (toxins) in the joints or weakening of Asthi and Majja Dhatus.


Liver & Gall

Improper digestion and lack of proper rest deposits ama (toxins), weakens the Pittic fires and leads to liver disorders.Use of alcohol and drinking contaminated water are also additional causes that increases the risk factor. In some cases, genetic disposition for liver problems is also a factor.



Sexual problems remain untreated because of shame and embarrassment. For the lack of proper treatment, the problem becomes even more complicated, often causing problems in conjugal life. Ayurveda can effectively treat sexual disorders with special Rasayanas and herbs.

Best of Our Medicines

Ayurvedic Medicine and Treantments



We Give You Inspiration For Living a Healthy Life

“You can’t buy it, you can’t rent it. You have to earn it. The formula for a healthy body and life has always been to love yourself, move your body, watch your portions.” We are here to inspire you to kick-start your healthy lifestyle or make you appreciate your good health.

Focus on these Pillars Of Wellness

  • Vata
  • Pitta
  • Kapha
  • Rest
  • Movement
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Right Meditation
  • Emotional Wellbeing
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