Many people then seek de addiction and reach out for counselling and rehab centers to regain their life back. However, such de addictions are not easy affairs and require great deal of inner will and strength. Ayurveda, the ancient traditional medicine system from India offers some natural home remedies for drug de addiction. These remedies help the person to overcome the strong urges and thus continue on the right path. Read out the best of such remedies as offered by Vedhearbs Healthcare Pvt Ltd.
Start consuming fresh fruits and vegetables
We recommends that the person should include more of fruits and veggies in his diet. This is considered a healthy step because more of vital minerals and vitamins help make the body functions active and thus person finds inherent dedication towards de addiction.
Increase intake of nuts and whole grains
Nuts and whole grains are rich in Vitamins which help to fight off the craving and makes body and senses resilient against the desire to indulge.
Deep breathing is good for you!
Deep breathing is a type of yoga pranayam and offers lots of benefits for anyone who wants to achieve better concentration, memory, peace of mind or wants to get de-stressed. For de addiction, deep breathing exercises helps to rejuvenate the senses and the most fundamental result derived from it is the positive thought process which helps a lot in de addiction.
Include a 30 mins of exercising schedule daily
Ayurveda says that the person start with milder exercises on a daily basis. A 30 minutes exercise time could make you energetic and bouncy so that you would feel less of cravings and will successfully overcome the difficulties.
Find out a good distraction mechanism
Finding out a good distraction is very important to continue with de addiction; because overcoming the inherent urges is the most difficult component for anyone. The person can find out such distraction which is resonant to his fancies and likes. This will help him to avoid the urges.
Rely on the company of a good friend
Seeking company of your close and trusted friend is good to fight off the deviation in your de addiction journey. A dedicated friend will be a great force and escort for you throughout.
Chew cloves or jelly beans as alternative to avoid drugs cravings
You can choose to chew jelly beans, cloves or spearmint or any condiment of your likes so as to keep the mind engaged and feel less of motivation to break off and revert to drug abuse.
Alcohol is no less than an elixir for any alcoholic. You must have seen many people around you who are badly trapped in alcohol addiction. Due to this dirty addiction, he spoils his life and at the same time makes his family members unhappy. It is very important to be determined in yourself to overcome this addiction by drinking energy mixed with alcohol. Alcohol addiction is also known as alcoholism. Alcoholism is not a disease to be treated. By the way, it is very difficult to quit this addiction. It should be controlled slowly. There should be strong faith in the mind to just leave it. In today’s stressful environment, alcohol addiction is emerging as a disease. Addiction to anything is bad. Not only this, drinking too much alcohol causes liver damage, digestive problems, diseases like heart, eyes, diabetes, neurological disorders and cancer. These 7 big benefits like weight loss, digestion are better with tequila shots, although there are many medicines available in the market, but today we are going to tell you some easy home remedies so that you can get rid of alcohol addiction.
Basil: Basil contains anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidants, which cleanse the impurities of the body. That is why the consumption of Tulsi also reduces alcohol addiction. Cereals: Cereals contain fiber, eating it daily in their food increases the blood sugar level as well as there is no lack of water in the body. It also helps in getting rid of alcohol. Bitter leaves of bitter gourd: The bitter leaves of cucumbers help to remove harmful toxins from the body and along with this it helps in relieving alcohol addiction. For this, grind the leaves well and extract its juice, now drink it by mixing two spoons daily with buttermilk. Fruits: Eating fruits that contain maximum fiber keeps the blood sugar level of the body good, for this, fruits with fruits like oranges, and pomegranates should be eaten. Not only this, it also helps in getting rid of alcohol. Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This causes toxins out of the body. Also, alcohol addiction is also missed. For this drink a spoonful of Ashwagandha powder in a glass of milk daily. Brahmi: Brahmi reduces stress which are the biggest cause of alcohol addiction. Not only this, drinking it also purifies the blood. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil contains saturated fat and antioxidants which helps in reducing stress. Not only this, it helps in killing the yeast of the body, so that alcohol does not feel like drinking. Ginger Oil: Add a few drops of ginger oil to the kandil and steam it after burning it, or else you can eat a few drops of ginger oil with honey. This will relieve some addiction to drinking alcohol. Eating grapes: Grapes relieves you from the desire to drink wine. This is one of the best home remedies for quitting alcohol. By eating this, you get rid of alcohol addiction. Wine is made from grapes and if you eat it every day, then you will not have the desire to drink alcohol. Many nutrients are found in grapes such as glucose, magnesium and citric acid. In many diseases, consuming grapes is beneficial. Licorice Root: Licorice root contains antioxidants and antibodies that keep respiration and liver healthy. Along with this, it also relieves the addiction of alcohol. Licorice root has antioxidant, antiviral, and antibody properties that help kidney and liver recover. Carrot Juice: Carrot Juice, easily found in winter, can relieve alcohol. With this regular intake, your willpower to drink alcohol starts decreasing. Raisins: Whenever you want to drink alcohol, chew 2-4 raisins slowly, by doing this, half of your mind starts to drink. By doing this regularly, alcohol addiction also starts to reduce. Basil leaves: chewing the leaves of basil with antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties daily reduces the desire to drink alcohol. Along with this, the dirt accumulating in the body is also cleaned.